
New look and security for your strata website.

The look and security of your strata website has being updated!

What will remain the same:
  • The system remains the same and there is no new system to sign up for
  • Your username and password remain the same
  • Updates will still be sent out by email with an attachment
  • The functionality and layout remains similar with links on the left hand side to:
    • Strata Documents
    • Updates
    • Discussions
    • Requests


What has been updated:
  • For better security, you will use a Stratapress login page to access your strata website
  • You will now be able to submit a Request with attachments
  • Updates on the site will now include the attachment that was sent in the email
  • For convenience you can view documents online in addition to downloading them
  • You can now add tenant contact information if you have a rental, so they can receive email Updates


We hope you enjoy the new look and features. Please feel free to reach out to us with feedback or questions at dane@prolinemanagement.com or 250-940-4720.


Thank you for your understanding,
Proline Management Ltd.